這個中秋節,用Miss Bear日本有機抹茶粉自製抹茶拿鐵,清香茶味配搭月餅,感受獨特風味與層次。 



  • 2克 日本有機抹茶粉 

  • 70ml 70-80°C熱水 

  • 1杯牛奶(可選擇奶製品或植物奶) 

  • 1-2茶匙 蜂蜜(可選) 

  • 冰塊(冷飲版本可選) 


  1. 將抹茶粉過篩到抹茶碗中,去除結塊。 

  2. 加入熱水,用茶筅攪拌至起泡。 

  3. 將牛奶在鍋中加熱,然後用打泡器或攪拌器打成奶泡。 

  4. 將抹茶倒入杯中,然後加入熱好的牛奶。 

  5. 按喜好加入蜂蜜調味。如做冷飲,倒入牛奶前可加入冰塊。 

  6. 輕輕攪拌,享受這杯絲滑的抹茶,邊賞月邊品味!


🌕 無論你是與家人共度佳節,還是享受一個安靜的時刻,這杯抹茶拿鐵都是最完美的飲料。


🛒 有機抹茶連結:https://www.missbearhk.com/categories/japanese-tea

🛒 茶具連結:https://www.missbearhk.com/categories/teaware


This Mid-Autumn Festival, elevate your mooncake experience with a refreshing homemade Matcha Latte! Perfect for sharing under the full moon with loved ones💗 



  • 2g Japanese Organic Matcha Powder 

  • 70ml 70-80 cup°C hot water 

  • 1 cup of your favourite milk (dairy or plant-based) 

  • 1-2 tsp honey (optional) 

  • Ice (optional for iced version) 



  1. Sift the matcha powder into a matcha bowl to remove any lumps. 

  2. Add hot water to the matcha and whisk using a matcha whisk until frothy. 

  3. Warm the milk in a pot, then froth it using a frother or whisk. 

  4. Pour the frothy matcha into a cup, followed by the steamed milk. 

  5. Sweeten to taste with honey. For a cold version, add ice before pouring in the milk. 

  6. Stir gently and enjoy this velvety, green delight while gazing at the moon! 


🍵Whether you’re enjoying the festival with family or having a quiet moment to yourself, this Matcha Latte is the perfect companion.


🛒 Japanese Organic Matcha:https://www.missbearhk.com/en/categories/japanese-tea

🛒 Teaware: https://www.missbearhk.com/categories/teaware